Thursday, March 09, 2023

Fauci Wanted Universal Human Separation Forever

Fauci Wanted Universal Human Separation Forever - BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER 
"While millions were locked down, forbidden from going to events or even church, and the schools and arts were shut down, people kept asking a fundamental question: why is this happening, what is government doing, and what is the exit strategy? 
There were a number of possibilities.
  • Maybe it was to preserve hospital capacity and yet at that very time hospitals were furloughing nurses and parking lots were empty because they locked their doors to elective surgeries and routine checkups.
  • Maybe it was to buy time so that personal protective equipment and ventilators could be stockpiled and yet we later found that the ventilators killed many unnecessarily while stockpiles later sold for pennies on the dollar.
  • Or maybe it was to wait for a vaccine. That was the word on the street. Certainly vaccines had been in development since January 2020 if not earlier. One was coming. And the companies themselves clearly had huge influence on the regulatory agencies that later approved them and mandated their products through unusual means.
But the story is not entirely clear...

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