Thursday, March 09, 2023

Grid in a mess!-----DTE can’t tree trim its way to reliability

DTE can’t tree trim its way to reliability By James David Dickson
"After ice storms and thundersnow cause mass outages, DTE must admit: Burying power lines underground is the answer
Tree trimming is too small-scale a solution. 
  • Only burying power lines underground in Southeast Michigan would provide reliability despite ice, rain and wind. 
  • DTE will never trim enough trees to avoid mass power outages in Southeast Michigan.
...If trimming trees were the answer, wouldn’t we know it by now, with DTE spending $190 million per year doing it?
It would cost billions, up to $30 billion by one estimate, just in the DTE area. 
When one solution costs millions and the other costs billions, thinking small makes sense. 
But thinking small got us here. 
It’s not our path forward...

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