Sunday, March 12, 2023

South Africa: State of Collapse | The Pipeline

South Africa: State of Collapse | The Pipeline
"South Africa is in the midst of a political crisis, and energy shortages are at the heart of it...
Here's a rare report on the matter, from Britain's The Spectator:
Blackouts of up to ten hours a day are bringing businesses to a halt, making teaching harder and turning traffic lights dark. Food is rotting in warm fridges. There were more than 200 blackouts last year and they have continued every day so far in 2023.... The cause is a debt-ridden and run-down fleet of power stations, which have been starved of repairs and regularly break down. Electricity supplies have to be switched off to stop the grid collapsing....
How did this happen? 
It is a complex story, but it has a few key themes running through it. 
  • First of all, corruption at the state-run energy utility Eskom. Farmer details how former president Jacob Zuma spent years helping his cronies embezzle money from Eskom. But the corruption didn't end when Zuma left office...

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