Sunday, April 16, 2023

Crime Killed a Quarter of a Million Black People. | Frontpage Mag

Crime Killed a Quarter of a Million Black People. | Frontpage Mag -  by Daniel Greenfield
  • And the racist pro-crime Left wants more.
"Over the last decade, BLM, and assorted leftist and libertarian groups dismantled our criminal justice system. 
Police forces were defunded, pro-crime prosecutors refused to lock up criminals, federal and state prison systems released tens of thousands of them, and a wave of legislative decriminalization legalized everything from shoplifting, to drug dealing and mugging...
Black people are disproportionately affected by crime. 
  • Pro-crime policies led to the deaths of an additional 2,244 black people in 2020. 
  • According to a Johns Hopkins report, “in 2020, one out of every 1,000 young black males (15–34) was shot and killed” and, 
  • “more than half of all black teens (15–19) who died in 2020—a staggering 52%—were killed by gun violence.”
  • CDC numbers showed that homicide is a leading cause of death among black men under the age of 20, and from the ages of 20 to 44...

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