Sunday, April 23, 2023

Erasing Women - American Thinker

Erasing Women - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman

"I’m not sure why it’s happening -- perhaps it’s a backlash from the most obnoxious of the feminists and their conduct or the widespread denigration of and discrimination against white heterosexual men, but there’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a concerted attack by the culture warriors to erase women, denigrate them, and allow them only symbolic powers -- like choosing the moronic Kamala Harris as vice president instead of someone with a demonstrated and earned record of competence. 

How long has it been since we’ve seen women we looked up to, like Golda Meier and Maggie Thatcher, wielding political power?

  • Here's a sample of what I mean.

In 2018 when we were told “believe all women” in the context of the Kavanaugh hearings, when his accuser told a fabulous story for which there was no credible evidentiary support and nothing except political bias to believe her...

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