Thursday, April 13, 2023

MUST READ!!-----AB isn't stupid. No one can't be this blind and likely its testing couldn't be this off. Not with this kind of visceral reaction. What happened? My mizzus nailed it.

Facebook Jason Jacoby - Notes from Der Kooler
"...New products aren't just thrown out to the public. 
Millions of dollars are spent on development. 
Millions are spent on test panels all across the country.
...AB isn't stupid...What happened? 
  • ESG. (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
  • Our government is pushing it, our financial institutions are pushing it, international groups are pushing it. 
  • It's not official but it's certainly fast becoming unofficial.
...ESG can cut off money in an instant if a corporation doesn't tow the WOKE line.
...WOKE go BROKE doesn't bother the Left. 
...However, what is the scariest part is not the joke Busch is right now. 
What is terrifying is this government and its Leftist allies in business now want a digital currency
What this means:
  • The government can- and will assign different values to different groups for their " currency"
  • The government will be able to block " inappropriate" purchasing ( such as firearms)
  • The government can pick winners and losers with loans or blocks for the same reason
  • Above all else, they can track your purchases and spending patterns..

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