Saturday, April 15, 2023

People's opposition to Biden's forced EV plan is the new "culture war" says the NYT.

Michael Smith
  • People's opposition to Biden's forced EV plan is the new "culture war" says the NYT. 
  • MSNBC says saying a man can't have a baby means there is a "war" on transgenders
  • The Washington Post claims people like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson cutting down biased "journalists" who know nothing is a threat. 
  • CNN says people are "coming for" women's right to electively abort a baby as a form of birth control.
The only thing "coming" for them is the truth.
They can't answer our questions.
The aren't interested in the truth.
The truth will out.
The question is this: by the time it does, will there be enough clear thinking people left to recognize it?

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