Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Global Great Awokening

The Global Great Awokening - BY NOAH CARL
David Rozado...has now extended his analysis to dozens of other countries, and what he finds is pretty remarkable: The Great Awokening is a global phenomenon.
  • In almost every country Rozado looked at, there was increase in the frequency of what he calls “prejudice-denoting terms” beginning around 2012. 
As the left-hand chart below indicates, this was true even in countries like Kenya and Nigeria – where you’d assume people would be more concerned about things like poverty.
Charts taken from ‘The Great Awokening as a Global Phenomenon’.

...Perhaps the most interesting finding to emerge from Rozado’s analysis is that the big increase – the “woke hockey stick”, as I’ve named it – appears to be more or less simultaneous in all countries.

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