Monday, April 24, 2023

The Marriage of the Media and the Security State - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

The Marriage of the Media and the Security State - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics - by DAVID CATRON 
  • A consummation devoutly to be feared.
"It is now all too obvious that the corporate media colluded with corrupt elements of the security state to alter the outcomes of two presidential elections. 
  • Their first foray into election interference failed because, in 2016, they underestimated the power of social media and allowed Donald Trump to speak directly to the voters. 
  • They fixed that problem in 2020 by convincing Facebook and Twitter to censor legitimate news stories while disseminating disinformation. 
And it is no coincidence that former Obama and current Biden administration officials were involved in both interference schemes.
  • ...All of this is of a piece with the refusal of the corporate media to cover the Twitter Files, a dereliction of duty that will accelerate the security state’s assault on free speech. 
  • Their silence on the weaponization of the FBI, CIA, and IRS stands in stark contrast to the irresponsibility with which they covered the Russia collusion hoax.
  • From the moment BuzzFeed published the infamous Steele dossier, knowing full well that it was a work of fiction, it tainted every subsequent “news” story written about the Trump administration...

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