Thursday, May 18, 2023

Another "dream" crushed!-----Saudis Demand Hydrogen Enthusiasts Back their Hype with Money

Saudis Demand Hydrogen Enthusiasts Back their Hype with Money - Essay by Eric Worrall

“… we will not sanction a project without securing an off-take agreement.”.

Aramco Weighs LNG Exports as Hydrogen Talks Prove Tough

May 11, 2023

Aramco weighs LNG exports as hydrogen talks prove tough. 

Saudi Aramco is weighing exports of liquefied natural gas instead of blue hydrogen, as talks with potential buyers of the latter fuel prove tough.Yet existing technology means blue hydrogen could cost the equivalent of around $250 a barrel of oil, Aramco’s chief executive officer said...

I wish our politicians were smart enough to wait until there is an actual demand for product, before blowing billions of taxpayer dollars on building infrastructure to produce hydrogen which nobody genuinely wants...

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