Friday, May 12, 2023

Biden EPA Unveils Radical New Rule That Will Decimate American Energy

Biden EPA Unveils Radical New Rule That Will Decimate American Energy - Spencer Brown
"The Biden administration announced its latest move in the president's now long-running campaign to "end fossil fuels" and force Americans through an "energy transition" that has
  • destroyed the country's energy independence, 
  • driven energy prices higher, and 
  • left Americans more vulnerable to blackouts...that 
  • would mandate most coal- and natural gas-fired power plants in the U.S. to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 90 percent over a five-year period beginning in 2035 
  • or be shuttered by federal regulators... 
Currently, only one of the hundreds of coal-fired power plants in the country has carbon-capture technology in place, according to The New York Times...
"EPA’s proposal is a sort of nationalization of the utility industry," noted Steve Milloy

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