- "...Netflix’s casting was informed by the views of Shelley Haley, a renowned classicist and Cleopatra expert, who claims that, although evidence of her ancestry and physical attributes are inconclusive, Cleopatra was culturally Black.
- First, no, "evidence of her ancestry and physical attributes" is not inconclusive...
- Second, "culturally Black" is just word salad, brought to you by the same societal segment that slanderized “oreo” and acked up “multiracial whiteness.”
Show me a culture that hasn't "known oppression and trump, exploitation and survival."
It is the totality of human existence, and it is only the past couple hundred years (see: the Enlightenment) that broke from that mold.
- If being "culturally Black" means there is oppression in your past, then Jews (see: the Book of Exodus) are "culturally Black." Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Italians, Hungarians, and Romanians (see: the Ottoman Empire) are "culturally Black." Native Americans (see: the Aztec empire and "each other") are "culturally Black." Tibetans and Uyghurs (see: China) are "culturally Black." Eastern Chinese (see: Japan 1937-1945) are "culturally Black." Indians (see: the Raj) are "culturally Black." Pasty-skinned Irish and Scots (see: England) are "culturally Black." The Saxons (see: the Normans) are "culturally Black." Heck, all those of the British Isles (see: the Romans) are "culturally Black." Women in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, and Saudi Arabia (see: Islamic law) are "culturally Black."
- Which brings us to "women." Since for most of human civilization's six millennia women were subordinate to men, all women are "culturally Black."...
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