Wednesday, May 17, 2023

"...dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel!!" ---Clarice Feldman | Facebook

Clarice Feldman | Facebook Clarice Feldman r
May be an image of 4 people and text that says '… EJA conference -Porto NGO monitor showing the anti semitism spread by NGOs funded by European governments TOR UNGARIAN GERALD an sociation of Europe Write a c... GIF'

Shulammit Bachan-Dovrat
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These NGOs are set up in their tens of thousands all over: US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Israel, in every city and campus!! 
Receiving funding from many sources, like the Rockefeller Brothers, USAid, UN agencies, EU and European countries. 
They give themselves fine-sounding names with words like “peace”, “justice”, “civil rights”, but are really dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel!!

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