Saturday, May 20, 2023

Director of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh Smear Group Begs for Mercy After Releasing Confidential Documents

Director of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh Smear Group Begs for Mercy After Releasing Confidential Documents
"...Fix the Court has not only been a player in the current attacks on Justice Thomas, but they were also a major participant in the smear campaign directed at Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.  
It all started innocently enough...
As soon as it dawned on Roth what he’d done, he begged to get the documents back.

“S***, I’m not legally allowed to send you those. I really messed up. Can you call me now?”…Roth further told the Washington Examiner that he “wanted to fix the mistake as soon as possible” since his “donors don’t want their names out there.”

...What the documents showed were two things. First, there is no widespread support for Fix the Court. In 2021, it received just over $290,000. Of that amount, $286,000 came from two grants...

Why do I say big loser? Well, of the $486,000 Fix the Court has raised in the last two years, $242,000 went to its executive director as salary. In 2022, $162,000 of the $195,000 raised went into Mr. Roth’s pocket. As a result, Fix the Court looks much more like a jobs program for one guy with a website than a non-profit.

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