Monday, May 15, 2023

Lawsuits fly: Hotel allegedly boots homeless vets, wedding parties to make room for migrants - TheBlaze

Lawsuits fly: Hotel allegedly boots homeless vets, wedding parties to make room for migrants - TheBlaze

Monday, two New York counties declared states of emergency in advance of the ending of Title 42, as TheBlaze reported. The Crossroads Hotel in Newburgh is located in Orange County, near the Moretti and Mifsud's wedding venue in in the Hudson Valley. "We signed a contract. We had a legal contract to have those rooms," Moretti told the Post. Wedding parties were not the only ones to be pushed aside to make way for migrants. The same hotel kicked out homeless veterans who were temporarily housed there, according to Mid Hudson News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to understand that the needs and desires of an army of [hostile] foreign invaders count more than than American civilians, or the lives of homeless veterans to the current ruling class.

Subotai Bahadur