Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Left's spin on Durham - Don Surber

Left's spin on Durham - Don Surber
"...The deep state broke the law and used Durham to rub our noses in it. 
What are we going to do? 
Josh Hawley said break up the FBI
That won’t affect Comey, Obama and the rest of the criminals who created and promoted Russiagate...
...there is not one damned thing readers can do about this miscarriage of justice. 
Did I say miscarriage? It is an abortion. 
  • And they got away with it because no one in Washington will hold anyone in Washington accountable. 
  • It is the code of the totalitarians.
Readers should not be surprised. On September 18, 2021, I wrote in my old blog, “I go by track record, and John Durham's track record shows he is a good investigator and a smart bureaucrat. 
He will go just deep enough in his prosecutions to satisfy the public but not so far as to endanger the establishment.
“I base this on the Whitey Bulger case...

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