Friday, May 05, 2023

'Net-Zero': Who Needs It? | The Pipeline

'Net-Zero': Who Needs It? | The Pipeline 
"JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon finally said the quite part out loud when he suggested in his Annual Letter to CEO’s that there must be a coordinated alignment by government, corporations, and non-government organizations (NGO’s) to implement what he describes as practical policies to expedite the move to a transitioned, net-zero world. 
For Dimon, this includes using eminent domain to confiscate private property...
  • ...All while ignoring the reality that by moving toward such a world, America and other western democracies would necessarily become more dependent on China, America’s most sinister economic adversary...
  • Because of the quantity of rare-earth elements that China controls, a dependence on China to produce the energy and products of a net-zero world would bind American investors to an antithetical Communist regime that hates individual liberty and seeks to harm America. 
  • Forcing a move to technologies whose inputs America does not control, to create a society investors do not want, risks the economic sustainability that used to be a foundation of sound corporate investing. 
  • A transitioned, net-zero world therefore is not possible if liberty, economic stability, and democratic institutions are to remain pillars of American society...

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