Saturday, May 06, 2023

Pfizer hid data on waning immunity as millions queued to get vaccinated.

Pfizer hid data on waning immunity as millions queued to get vaccinated. - MARYANNE DEMASI, PHD
  • New regulatory filings show Pfizer had evidence, early into the vaccination campaign, that its vaccine’s efficacy waned, but waited months before alerting the public.
"In late 2020, the airways became saturated with triumphant reporting of Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” covid-19 vaccines. 
Millions rolled up their sleeves with the belief that reaching herd immunity would end the pandemic.
  • But by June 2021, the pandemic endgame story had gone off script...
Authorities tried to allay fears by saying that new infections were “rare breakthroughs,” but the data became too difficult to ignore...

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