Monday, May 15, 2023

The worst four minutes you'll have today - by Alex Berenson

The worst four minutes you'll have today - by Alex Berenson
"...Now - whether you're vaccinated or not - watch this to remind yourself how awful 2021 really was, and how thin the veneer of civilization really is.ALEX BERENSON
  • It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks.
On Twitter, this is called a “supercut,” a quick compilation of short takes from several different videos. 
It runs just under four minutes and has received 42 million views so far. 
It deserves more.
Make yourself watch it, painful as it is.
'''But seeing the venom here doesn’t make forgiveness easy. 
Especially since none of this people have even begun to apologize.
I am not exaggerating when I say seeing the video made me stomach sick. 
I don’t watch much cable news, so I was somewhat insulated from the venom - strange to say, since I was at the heart of it...

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