Saturday, June 03, 2023

Every current dollar of tax money is more important than roads?-----Mileage fees, higher gas tax among options to fund Michigan’s crumbling roads

Mileage fees, higher gas tax among options to fund Michigan’s crumbling roads
"In order to maintain its road system in the coming years, Michigan will need to come up with another almost $4 billion in infrastructure funding annually, according to a recent report from the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (the road building lobby!)...
The report included five options for increasing infrastructure revenue. Below is a summary of each:
  • Increase the gas tax...PSC’s second option would be to tax fuel on a per dollar basis, rather than per gallon. 
  • Increase sales tax by 3%
  • Allow communities to pursue local sales tax to fix local roads
  • Assess a per mile fee for vehicles
  • Bonus option: tolls...

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