Thursday, June 08, 2023

More than 66% of U.S. at risk of power outages due to Biden’s green transition: Regulators

More than 66% of U.S. at risk of power outages due to Biden’s green transition: Regulators - By Addison Smith
"...At least two-thirds of America is expected to be hit with summer blackouts due to President Joe Biden’s push to end the use of fossil fuels, according to the organization that oversees the nation’s power grid stability.
A 2023 “Summer Reliability Assessment” published by North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) cites “new environmental rules” cracking down on power plant emissions as a culprit.
...NERC’s president, James B. Robb, warned Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee members that “the electric grid is operating ever closer to the edge” resulting in higher chances of “more frequent and more serious disruptions.”...

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