Sunday, June 04, 2023

Surveys Show People Like Socialism Until They Learn What It Is - America Out Loud

Surveys Show People Like Socialism Until They Learn What It Is - America Out Loud - by Wallace Garneau 
  • Depending on the poll used, young Americans tend to favor socialism over capitalism by a ratio of approximately four to one. 
  • Interestingly, only about one in four young Americans actually know what socialism is...
Instead of asking, “Do you prefer socialism or capitalism?”⏤ perhaps we should consider asking,
  • What percentage of your income should the government allow you to keep?”...
  • Who should decide where you live: you or the government?
  • Who should decide what foods you eat: you or the government?
  • Who should decide which career field you pursue: you or the government?
  • Who should decide the temperature of your house: you or the government?...
  • Should you be allowed to own a car? If so, who should determine which car you can own: you or the government?...Read all!

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