Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Monday, July 31, 2023
Secret COVID lab linked to China uncovered in California - TheBlaze
So many liars!-----Scientists exposed after previously denying COVID-19 lab leak theory
If true, Fauci is one of the most expensive liars in history!-----Republican Senator Rand Paul sends an 'official criminal referral' to the DOJ over Dr Fauci - saying a 2020 email proves the former White House doc's COVID testimony was 'absolutely a lie' | Daily Mail Online
- Senator Rand Paul has made an 'official criminal referral' to the Department of Justice regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's former top doctor
- Referral relates to Fauci's previous testimony on the coronavirus and its potential origins from a Chinese lab with Paul suggesting Fauci lied under oath
- Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, accuses Fauci of committing perjury during his testimony before a Senate committee in 2021...
Biden's Amerika!!-----Security guard beaten to death by mob in Hollywood identified
“The victim was working at this nightclub, and a large group – for unknown reasons – confronted that security guard, causing him to fall into the street,” said LAPD West Bureau Homicide Division Detective Samuel Marullo.
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signs bill allowing foreign nationals to be police officers. - TheBlaze
OLD AND CRUDE: Looking Back On The Golden Age of Driving. We lived in our cars back in the Fifties
OLD AND CRUDE: Looking Back On The Golden Age of Driving.
...As Alodus Huxley once said, “Speed, it seems to me, provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.” And when you think about it, not too many years before his day, 40 mph on a horse was about it for most people.
But for how long? As the late P.J. O’Rourke warned in 2009:
Cars didn’t shape our existence; cars let us escape with our lives. We’re way the heck out here in Valley Bottom Heights and Trout Antler Estates because we were at war with the cities. We fought rotten public schools, idiot municipal bureaucracies, corrupt political machines, rampant criminality and the pointy-headed busybodies. Cars gave us our dragoons and hussars, lent us speed and mobility, let us scout the terrain and probe the enemy’s lines. And thanks to our cars, when we lost the cities we weren’t forced to surrender, we were able to retreat.
Why, it’s as if, “At some point in the future, be it years, decades, or a century hence, the federal government will seek to ban driving.” by Ed Driscoll
10K Migrants Apprehended in One Week in Arizona Border Sector
Miranda Devine notes who has & hasn't been deemed worthy of Secret Service protection
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is challenging President Biden for the Democrat nomination, and according to Real Clear Politics
- RFK Jr. has about 14 percent support.
Their lies continue to unravel!-----Boiling Ocean Update: Florida Sea Temperature ‘Record’ Drops 15°F in just 48 Hours
The Guardian was in fine alarmist form noting that the Florida recording posed a threat to human food supplies and the livelihoods of those working in the water.
Alas, curiously missing from all this excitable coverage was a note that just 48 hours later the temperature plummeted to around 85°F...
Examining the ‘record’ on the climate site Watts Up With That?, the former ecology lecturer Jim Steele observed that water temperatures were being driven by dynamics other than rising CO2.
- Low winds and
- a high pressure system further helped heat the bay,
- while muddy waters darkened the water enhancing solar heating...
Germans Should Prepare For "Tough Years Ahead" Due To Energy Transition, Green Economy Minister Warns | ZeroHedge
New York, California lost more tax income than every other state as people fled liberal enclaves | Fox News
Solar panels have a carbon emissions problem
Per the July 2 report, titled “Solar Panels Are Three Times More Carbon-Intensive Than International Panel on Climate Change Claims”:
The IEA (International Energy Agency) has admitted to Environmental Progress that its carbon footprint calculations do not account for three important factors in (global solar photovoltaic) production: silicon mining; toxic panel waste, which promises to overwhelm recycling infrastructure; and something known as the albedo effect. This is when the highly reflective properties of dark-coloured solar panels lead to an increase in the greenhouse effect...
History for July 31
- 1790 - The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for his process for making potash and pearl ashes. The substance was used in fertilizer.
- 1932 - Enzo Ferrari retired from racing. In 1950 he launched a series of cars under his name.
- 1964 - The American space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the moon's surface.
- 1989 - The Game Boy handheld video game device was released in the U.S.
- 1991 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Turley explains how Judge Noreika exposed the one criminal charge the WH 'most fears' against Hunter Biden - TheBlaze
CBS reporter corners KJP with perfect questions on Hunter's plea deal that expose Biden's hypocrisy on guns - TheBlaze
Biden's "Man/woman/who-cares Amerika"-----Florida woman arrested after biting ear off another woman during fight over vape pens and alcohol
- It was then that Dixie Stiles, 18, confronted Regan and accused her of stealing vape pens and alcohol.
- Regan allegedly pulled out a 9 millimeter gun from her waistband, which Stiles shoved out of the way. A physical altercation ensued where Regan bit the top of Stiles' ear off, the sheriff’s office said in the release.
- The women received multiple bruises and lacerations in the fight and Stiles' ear was unable to be re-attached, the sheriff's office said...
Democratic Rep. Cori Bush once again screams 'racist' after not getting her way, this time targeting Rep. Steve Scalise - TheBlaze
Orwell's "1984" IS their playbook!-----74 Percent of College Students Support Snitching on Professors Who Make 'Offensive' Statements
- While a majority of students from all political persuasions agreed with reporting professors, a higher percentage of liberal students were in favor; 81 percent of liberal students supported reporting professors, while only 53 percent of conservative students supported it.
- The survey also found that 58 percent of students, including 66 percent of liberal students and 37 percent of conservative students, agreed that fellow students who make "offensive" statements should be reported to university administrators...
Why Didn't Trump Fire Fauci? - by Donna Rachel
- The Swamp runs much deeper than anyone imagined
- While it may be a good campaign tactic (certainly it’s getting people riled up), the answer is actually so surprisingly simple that either DeSantis knows what it is and is being disingenuous, or he doesn’t know and is therefore not fit to be President.
As CNN explained at the time:
“Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal — a time-consuming process.”...
Say Goodbye to Permissionless Travel From the U.S. to Europe
- Americans will need a visa to visit Europe in 2024.
- Meanwhile, Europeans who have been to Cuba are discovering they can't come to the U.S., because terrorism.
- Once upon a time, citizens of the United States could travel to almost every country in the European Union for 90 days without asking any government for permission beyond showing a passport at the initial point of entry.
Hunter Biden transcript reveals plea deal gave immunity against illegal foreign lobbying charges - TheBlaze
History for July 30
- 1898 - "Scientific America" carried the first magazine automobile ad. The ad was for the Winton Motor Car Company of Cleveland, OH.
- 1942 - The WAVES were created by legislation signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The members of the Women's Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were a part of the U.S. Navy.
- 1945 - The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack.
- 1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
- 1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.
- 1974 - The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon for blocking the Watergate investigation and for abuse of power.
- 2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line.
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges | Fox News
Academic and economic failure as a natural consequence of the idea of ‘Black People’s Time’
More money for teacher union members will fix this?!!-----Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott
Akron Public School board member Valerie McKitrick was shocked by the new revelation and stated “Not one? In three years?” after she was presented with data that showed not one single student in the school’s fall 8th-grade class could pass a Ohio state math proficiency test...
Soooo, give 'em a "seat at the table (tons on money) and they're gonna fix depression?-----'No. 1 crisis in America': Mayors warn Congress of a crisis 'in every neighborhood'
Mayors are often the elected officials closest to their communities and have had a front-row seat as to how the COVID-19 pandemic amplified the challenges many face when it comes to mental health.
Supreme Court reinstates major gas pipeline in blow to environmental groups | Fox News
As bad as the education system was, it's gonna get worse. WAAAAY WORSE!-----The Specter of White Supremacy in the California Community Colleges - Minding The Campus
The Colegas email promoting the webinar, “Equitable Counseling and Social Justice,” stated that “Our institutions and organizations are systematically infused with White supremacist bias” and that “...we also recognize the biased forces, beliefs and values deeply embedded within our structures, practices and ourselves.
Purveyors of this sophistry have been emboldened by the new, legally binding DEI directives that were adopted in the California Code of Regulations—which are labeled “obligations” and include “competencies” and “criteria” related to hiring, evaluation, and promotion—providing the CCC system a justification for demanding loyalty and allegiance to this destructive ideology.
'Smoking-gun documents' prove Facebook censored Americans on behalf of White House, Jim Jordan says | Fox News
How much money are the students gonna get? The parents? She the governor for simpletons!-----Whitmer signs $24.3 billion education budget with record per-pupil funding -
- The education spending bill, which she celebrated as an investment in the life of every Michigan child, passed out of the state legislature in a bipartisan vote on June 28.
- “This budget was written to help anyone and everyone be able to make it here in Michigan, with a strong academic foundation that starts early and continues through higher education and beyond,” Whitmer said.
- The budget largely prioritizes investments in Michigan’s K-12 schools, starting with the largest ever per-pupil allocation at $9,608 a student — a $458 increase from the year prior...
Kennedy attacked for telling truth!-----Genetic Susceptibility to COVID-19: What We Know So Far
- The Genes That May Make You More Susceptible to COVID-19
- ...If you were assigned male at birth, you might be at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19.
- ...Another studyTrusted Source noted that Black people tend to have more variations in the genes that affect ACE2...
- The study also noted that some of the genes they studied were also linked to ethnicity. This means that some symptoms may be more common in certain ethnic groups...
Not misleading. LYING!-----EPA's Misleading Heat Wave Info
"One year ago, if you had visited the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) page on heat waves (Climate Change Indicators: Heat Waves) you would have found the lead chart to be the one below (Figure1).
Ice Cube's Controversial Comments on Tucker's Show Backlash - TheBlaze
The latest "genius" idea from the the personal-vehicle-hating left-----Pilot program to include shared vehicle lane, bike lanes on Kalamazoo road | WWMT
An Edge Lane Road design, or Advisory Bike Lake, also includes dashed prioritized bike lanes on the outside.
If a bicyclist is actively in the prioritized bike lane, the vehicle on the occupied bike side should yield behind the bike and let the other vehicle pass before continuing in center lane, according to the city...
History for July 29
- 1773 - The first schoolhouse to be located west of the Allegheny Mountains was built in Schoenbrunn, OH.
- 1914 - The first transcontinental telephone service was inaugurated when two people held a conversation between New York, NY and San Francisco, CA.
- 1957 - Jack Paar began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. The name of the show was changed to "The Jack Paar Show." Paar was host for five years.
- 1958 - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was authorized by the U.S. Congress.
- 1968 - Pope Paul VI reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church's stance against artificial methods of birth control.
- 1981 - England's Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were married.
- 1985 - General Motors announced that Spring Hill, TN, would be the home of the Saturn automobile assembly plant.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Regulatory group for psychologists ordered Jordan Peterson to undergo 're-education' after he expressed his opinions online. He's taken it to court, and the result might prove seismic. - TheBlaze
More than a religion. It's a cult!-----Pope Francis calls for more climate action by world leaders
"We are experiencing, here and in many countries, extreme climatic events," the leader of the Catholic Church told worshippers on Sunday after the traditional Angelus prayer in St Peter's Square in Rome.
"And, please, I renew my appeal to the leaders of nations to do something more concrete to limit polluting emissions. It is an urgent challenge and cannot be postponed, it concerns everyone. Let us protect our common home!" Pope Francis told the roughly 20,000 faithful gathered in the square...
Nearly 27,000 in Michigan eligible for student debt forgiveness -
The U.S. Department of Education released state-by-state data last week on how many people will qualify for automatic debt discharge.
U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said the Biden administration is “fixing past administrative failures” by clearing $39 billion of debt for 804,000 people.
Debt will be discharged within 30 days of the emails being sent out...
Amid California exodus, state population projected to be same in 2060 as today, data shows | Fox News
Betrayed by the GOP, dems and AI?!!-----Discrimination By Algorithm – the “ultimate showdown between equity and equality is going to take place at a technological level”
"...Building “equity” into algorithms and Artificial Intelligence in a variety of information decisions (employment, financial, and others) on the premise that anything other than proportional group representation is bias, is a major Biden administration objective.
- Supposed “bias free” algorithms will, in fact, be biased in favor of quotas.
- Proposed bipartisan legislation supported by Republicans may make matters worse.
'Alarming evidence' links China's Communist Party to American K-12 schools, anti-indoctrination group claims | Fox News
The Myth of the ‘Underfunded School’
- A new report casts doubt on the old “underfunded schools” trope.
Film incentives still don’t make sense for Michigan
- Michigan corporate welfare meets Hollywood accounting: What could go wrong?
A reminder of what transpired from 2008-2015 when Michigan had film incentives:
- Taxpayers spent $500 million, resulting in only a small, temporary job blip.
- There were multiple studio collapses, including one in Pontiac (which required a bailout from the teacher pension system) and one in Allen Park (which nearly bankrupted the city).
- The state film office approved a $1 million subsidy for a Michael Moore documentary...a movie that was about how those with connections took advantage of taxpayers...
Out of Outrage: Where is the U.S. Response? :: Gatestone Institute
Despite COVID having killed more than 1.13 million Americans as of mid-June 2023, and with a cost to the U.S. economy estimated to be $14 trillion — yes trillion — by the end of 2023, where is the united outrage among American citizens over the role of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the pandemic?...
[T]he CCP has also been sending across America's southern border groups of single men of military age, with the apparent aim of sabotaging American installations on the first day of a conflict if the U.S. tries to counter a Chinese offensive on Taiwan...
Many American political, tech and business leaders are funding the China's military and seem casually indifferent about the deadly-serious existential threat from the CCP...