Sunday, July 23, 2023

Answer? "No!"-----Record Breaking Heatwave in Europe?

Record Breaking Heatwave in Europe? - By Paul Homewood.

"Most of the so-called reporting of the European heatwave seems to have centred around of temperature forecasts, rather than actual ones, along with claims of “records” and images of people enjoying the sun. Factual reporting appears to have taken a holiday!

Take the Telegraph article above, published on 18th July. It begins:

Rome was among several European regions to breach temperature records on Tuesday as a Covid-style protocols were rolled out across Italy to protect its hospitals from the unprecedented heatwave...

Let’s examine some of these claims more closely:

  • A new record was set in the Italian capital when the local weather agency recorded highs of 41.8C (107.2F), beating the previous record set in June last year by 1C.

For a start, the previous record was not 40.8C, as implied. A temperature of 42.0C was recorded at the Ponte di Nona in 2005...

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