Saturday, July 22, 2023

Get Used to Living With 'Blackouts' to Save the Planet | Frontpage Mag

Get Used to Living With 'Blackouts' to Save the Planet | Frontpage Mag -  Daniel Greenfield
"...Shoving everything into an unreliable power grid, especially personal transportation, isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. 
  • That’s the whole point of electric cars, and the proliferation of always online vehicles that require a power grid and can be remotely shut down. 
All of this is Cloward-Piven for energy. 
Failure isn’t just inevitable, it’s the goal.
As the blackouts grow, they will tell you, as I predicted, to shut up and take it for the good of the planet.
A few weeks ago I was at the home of a gentleman who had moved here from South Africa, and he was telling me about how his family had gotten used to blackouts as the normal order of business. Given leftists a chance and we’ll have to “get used to them too”. We’ll know not to bother cooking around 5 PM (don’t bother about gas stoves, they’re being banned as we speak) and not to drive at certain times or go out of the house. Cities will grow dark and criminals will rampage even more lawlessly than usual.
Enjoy utopia...

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