Thursday, August 03, 2023

(1) Michael Smith - It is interesting to compare Jack Smith's J6... | Facebook

Michael Smith - It is interesting to compare Jack Smith's J6... | Facebook
  • It is interesting to compare Jack Smith's J6 indictment of Trump and see how the charges compare with what Al Gore did in 2000 and what Hillary did in 2016.
  • If this is the standard, the Al and Hill would be cellies - and they would have plenty of company.
"You know the names - 
  • Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Page, Brennan, the 50 intel officials - Hillary asserting fraud in 2016
  • the infamous January 5th meeting in 2017 between Peter Strzok, Susan Rice, Obama, Biden and Susan Yates that detailed the surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn.
Based on what Smith has alleged are crimes, every presidential spokesperson since 2000 should be jailed....
If the people let this stand, there will be more. 

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