Monday, August 21, 2023

A hero ignored!-----Fake ballots in Michigan - American Thinker

Fake ballots in Michigan - American Thinker - By Jack Gleason

"Muskegon, MI city clerk Ann Meisch is a hero.  She noticed something odd about a woman dropping over 8,000 completed voter forms at the city clerk's office and did something about it.  She made a phone call to the Muskegon Police Department and asked them to investigate.

Then, according to an article by the Gateway Pundit,

[o]n 10/21/20...Meisch, who has worked in city clerk offices for 33 years, noticed that "... in her opinion a quantity of the voter registration forms were highly suspicious and possibly fraudulent ... numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer and upon initial examination, addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent."

The MI State Police investigator assigned to the case spoke with the female suspect who explained that she was being paid $1150/week "to find un-registered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot."

Information was sent to the FBI, which did nothing...

The Michigan State Police continued to investigate and issued a report that detailed a widespread and well funded effort to create fake registrations and absentee ballot forms.  It "names 'GBI Strategies' as the organization engaged in what O'Halloran claims is widespread, systemic voter fraud.  The Tennessee group is heavily connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees."...

The information is documented in a video that is surprisingly still found on YouTube.

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, told the Gateway Pundit: "My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan, including many individuals who moved or died, and even some individuals who were underage or non-citizens...

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