Tuesday, August 22, 2023

A pack of lies but you gotta read how easily they distort facts (yes, most "children" are 18/19 year old gang criminals and suicides)-----Gun deaths among children and teens in the U.S. reached a new record in 2021, study finds

Gun deaths among children and teens in the U.S. reached a new record in 2021, study finds
"Gun-related deaths among children in the U.S. reached a distressing peak in 2021, claiming 4,752 young lives and surpassing the record total seen during the first year of the pandemic, a new analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data found.
The alarming statistic clearly indicated that America’s gun violence epidemic has gotten worse, experts say.
More than 80% of the gun deaths were among males 19 and younger. 
Black male children were more likely to die from homicide. White males 19 and younger were more likely to kill themselves with guns...
This grim reality marks the second consecutive year in which gun-related injuries have solidified their position as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, surpassing motor vehicles, drug overdoses and cancer...
Across the U.S., higher poverty levels correlated with higher death rates from guns.
Structural inequity, structural racism, social determinants of health, food insecurity are all root drivers of violence,” including gun violence, Sathya said...

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