Friday, August 25, 2023

All according to their plan...-----Feds Arrest 300 in COVID Aid Fraud Schemes Totaling $830 Million. Just $300 Billion to Go.

Feds Arrest 300 in COVID Aid Fraud Schemes Totaling $830 Million. Just $300 Billion to Go. - BY RICK MORAN
"There will never be a full accounting of COVID-19 aid fraud in the United States. 
  • Part of the reason is that no one in government really wants to know.
The fact that the supposed guardians of the public purse got away with such incredible incompetence with few, if any, federal employees losing their jobs is criminal.
The best guess regarding losses of taxpayer money to fraud is $300 billion and rising. 
There’s at least another $125 billion that budget watchdogs considered “wasted.” 
  • Whose heads are rolling?...

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