Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Anger at NHS Guidance That Lets Patients Who ‘Temporarily’ Identify as Female Share Single-Sex NHS Spaces

Anger at NHS Guidance That Lets Patients Who ‘Temporarily’ Identify as Female Share Single-Sex NHS Spaces - BY RICHARD ELDRED
"In the face of NHS guidelines, there is growing concern as individuals can gain access to female-only wards based on transient gender identification...
The Mail has the story.
  • The Health Secretary faced pressure tonight to scrap ‘shocking’ rules that mean patients who only occasionally identify as women can share female-only hospital wards...
  • Many hospitals make it clear that patients need only ‘temporarily’ present as women to enter female-only bays and bathrooms.
  • One NHS trust’s policy states:...Some liken anyone who objects to the policy to racists, while others make it clear that if another patient complains, it is they who must move rather 
  • than the trans person.
  • Midwives are told that they could harm trans people who have given birth by calling them ‘mother’.
  • Staff are given long lists of baffling terms from ‘abrosexual’ to ‘third-gendered’, some of which have been written by lobbying groups such as Stonewall...

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