Monday, August 07, 2023

Barack Obama Is 'The Big Lie'

Barack Obama Is 'The Big Lie' - Derek Hunter 
"...When he ran for president in 2008, he just “came across” someone else just going about their business – the aforementioned Joe the Plumber.
  • All Joe did was ask a basic question about taxes. 
  • In his answer, Barack Obama used the “spread the wealth around” line that exposed his true radical leanings. 
That terrified David Axelrod and the Obama guard in the media, which set out to destroy Joe.
In the next 48 hours we learned more about Joe...then we still know about Obama. 
Joe’s taxes were illegally leaked by the state of Ohio...
...Her name is Sheila Miyoshi Jager, and Obama lied about why he broke up with her in his second autobiography, “Dreams from My Father.”... His version had to do with his a-woke-ening to blackness and identity politics, her version is he was a jackass refusing to condemn anti-Semitism. (For a lot more on this and the lies around Obama, read this article.)
Whatever the case, the fact that you likely didn’t know that or anything about Barack Obama “the man” is not a testament to just how incurious the press is, but how protective...

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