Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Be Damned To Your Masks & Your Idiot Moronic Effeminate Fear

Be Damned To Your Masks & Your Idiot Moronic Effeminate Fear - BY BRIGGS
"...panic is never an intelligent rational sane option. Never.
Panic saps sanity. Panic destroys. Panic kills.
Panic causes panic, because panic is catchier than any virus.
This is doubly so in an Expertocracy, where a prime motivator of Experts—those who rule over us by theory and bureaucracy and mandates—is fear. 
Not of viruses or slight increases in global average temperature. 
  • Fear that they are not keeping up with other Experts...
Experts cannot bear being seen disagreeing with other Experts...
  • Here is what one longhouse bastion of effeminate idiot fear now requires:

Only for fourteen days, the ladies and soymen in charge of the indoctrination center, called “Morris Brown College”, say.
Two weeks. To flatten the curve....

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