Friday, August 04, 2023

Biden Is Banning Nearly All Generators That You'll Need For His Man-Made Blackouts - Climate Change Dispatch

Biden Is Banning Nearly All Generators That You'll Need For His Man-Made Blackouts - Climate Change Dispatch

Biden Is Banning Nearly All Generators That You’ll Need For His Man-Made Blackouts

gas generatorThe old joke in which one fellow asks what the socialists used for lighting before candles and the other fellow answers “electricity” could use some updating. 

Substitute “socialists” for “U.S. Democrats.” 

But it won’t be just the Democrats using candles, it’s going to be all of us...

“Just months after a Biden-appointed regulator teased a ban on gas stoves, the administration is working to enact a rule that would prohibit the manufacturing of nearly all portable gas generators on the U.S. market,” the Washington Free Beacon reported earlier this week...

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