Monday, August 14, 2023

Big Tech hates us and they hate you too (but we don't have to just sit back and take it)

Big Tech hates us and they hate you too (but we don't have to just sit back and take it) - Sam J.
"...Did you guys also know there are some topics they'll 'punish' us for even discussing? 
I'm not kidding. 
So it's not just having a conservative or right-wing-leaning view, it's covering certain topics in any way, shape, or form that can get us in trouble. 
And these are VERY REAL and newsworthy topics that all media should be covering.
These topics include:
  • Climate Change
  • 2020 Election
  • COVID/COVID Vaccines
  • Trans Issues
...If we cover any one of those topics in an honest fashion, the 'powers that be' will prevent us from monetizing the content, flagging it and forcing us to through a very rigorous process to prove that we are right...

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