Sunday, August 06, 2023

Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program Set to Take Another ‘Prudent’ Step on Road to Perdition

Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program Set to Take Another ‘Prudent’ Step on Road to Perdition - Jarrett Stepman 
"Starting in March 2024, people with mental illness will be able to avail themselves of medically assisted suicide.
That represents the latest expansion in the Medical Assistance in Dying, or “MAID,” law that launched in 2016. ..
On Saturday, Reuters reported how a 47-year-old woman with anorexia will be allowed to kill herself with state assistance next year when the law changes. “Every day is hell,” Lisa Pauli said. “I’m so tired. I’m done. I’ve tried everything. I feel like I’ve lived my life.”
It’s a tragic story, but suicide isn’t the answer. 
And government authorities certainly shouldn’t be normalizing and encouraging suicide as the answer to problems...

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