Monday, August 07, 2023

Canceling Skeptical Scientists Is the Real 'Climate Crisis'

Canceling Skeptical Scientists Is the Real 'Climate Crisis' - BY TOM HARRIS 
  • “There is no real climate crisis.”
"That statement, as well as others against the mainstream climate change narrative of impending doom, led to the cancellation of a speech that was to be given by Nobel Prize laureate Dr. John Clauser to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 
The censorship has been covered in media worldwide and, besides giving the IMF a huge black eye, is leading many to wonder what has gone wrong with climate science that such a prominent expert would be canceled merely for disagreeing with a scientific hypothesis...
In 2021, Dr. Clauser criticized granting of the Nobel Prize for the development of computer models that predicted global warming. 
These climate models have been shown to be inaccurate and do not take into account the significant feedback of clouds in the climate system...

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