Saturday, August 12, 2023

Climate and Capitalism: a Match Made in Hell

Climate and Capitalism: a Match Made in Hell - ELIZABETH NICKSON
"Climate Hysteria is the cover for the biggest land rush in human history
  • Three energy weapon laser beams were filmed starting the fire in Lahaina. This of course, is unprovable but the town is filled with ex-military and the suspicious. Imagine the money bomb waiting to be scooped up rebuilding one of Hawaii’s main tourist towns. 
  • Same story in the central valley of California. 2030 wants cattle off the land, so why not burn acres upon acres of feed. Cows don’t need grass feed, they need protein mush made in a lab for the few years left they will be allowed on the planet. 
It is becoming, these days, to be more sensible to consider the paranoid, until they are proved wrong.
But the climate hysteria seems to be working.
  • For the last several weeks I have been swimming off a rocky beach and wondering where all the people were. Admittedly, it’s a hike in, but it’s gorgeous and while sparsely used, I usually meet a dozen or so people even in winter. Then I realized they were watching the news which was full-on weather catastrophe and DON’T GO OUT IN IT. The broadsheet located in the nearby capital city runs four or five "climate catastrophe" pieces every single day...
I’m starting to think it is a world-wide scam of set fires meant to scare us into more regulation, more giveaways. 
  • In Canada we have arrested dozens of fire-setters, and dozens are still being sought...
"Climate change" is now eating capitalism. It is a profit center for both government and business...
It always means productive activity is shut down, whether via resource set-asides, (necessary resources) or in western democracies, human activity. 
  • There "climate mitigation" literally trades on the misery of the young, who pay increased rents, compliance fees, new requirements, engineers say; and it attaches an entire battalion of green compliance officers who cruise the region for infractions. 
  • In my area, "green-development" requirements add $1,000 to the monthly rent of a one-bedroom apartment and despite the province only being 6 percent developed, opening up land for new housing is greeted by lawfare and protests...

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