Saturday, August 12, 2023

Every insane spending idea get loon-lib support and money!-----'Scientist' Wants To Catch An Asteroid And Block Out The Sun With It... | ZeroHedge

'Scientist' Wants To Catch An Asteroid And Block Out The Sun With It... | ZeroHedge - Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,
"The latest demented idea being pushed to stop the world ending from climate armageddon is to catch an asteroid, put an umbrella on it and use it to block out the Sun.

What could possibly go wrong?
The Daily Mail reports:
István Szapudi, an astronomer from the University of Hawaii, argued his far-fetched concept was merely an enormous ‘solar shield’.
The shield – which would be made of the ultra strong ‘wonder material’ graphene – would block energy from the sun and cool down our planet...

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