Sunday, August 13, 2023

History for August 13

History for August 13 - 
Fidel Castro 1926 - Cuban leader
  • 1521 - Present day Mexico City was captured by Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez from the Aztec Indians.
  • 1792 - French revolutionaries took the entire French royal family and imprisoned them.
  • 1912 - The first experimental radio license was issued to St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia, PA.
  • 1932 - Adolf Hitler refused to take the post of vice-chancellor of Germany. He said he was going to hold out "for all or nothing."
  • 1942 - Henry Ford unveiled his "Soybean Car." It was a plastic-bodied car that weighed about 1000 lbs. less than a steel car.
  • 1994 - It was reported that aspirin not only helps reduce the risk of heart disease, but also helps prevent colon cancer.

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