Monday, August 14, 2023

History for August 14

History for August 14 -
Russell Baker 1925 - Newspaper columnist
  • 1888 - A patent for the electric meter was granted to Oliver B. Shallenberger.
  • 1896 - Gold was discovered in Canada's Yukon Territory. Within the next year more than 30,000 people rushed to the area to look for gold.
  • 1917 - China declared war on Germany and Austria during World War I.
  • 1919 - About 1 million tons of ice and rock broke off of a glacier near Mont Blanc, France. Nine people were killed in the incident.
  • 1935 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. The act created unemployment insurance and pension plans for the elderly.
  • 1945 - It was announced by U.S. President Truman that Japan had surrendered unconditionally. The surrender ended World War II.

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