Saturday, August 05, 2023

History for August 5

History for August 5 - 
Guy DeMaupassant 1850
  • 1833 - The village of Chicago was incorporated. The population was approximately 250.
  • 1861 - The U.S. federal government levied its first income tax. The tax was 3% of all incomes over $800. The wartime measure was rescinded in 1872.
  • 1914 - The first electric traffic signal lights were installed in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • 1964 - U.S. aircraft bombed North Vietnam after North Vietnamese boats attacked U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • 1991 - An investigation was formally launched by Democratic congressional leaders to find out if the release of American hostages was delayed until after the Reagan-Bush presidential election. They were proven to be liar...wrong.
  • 2011 - Standard & Poor's Financial Services lowered the United States' AAA credit rating by one notch to AA-plus. Obama was president.

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