Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Important!!-----Uniparty’s Plan to Save ‘Our Democracy™’ Unfolds

Uniparty’s Plan to Save ‘Our Democracy™’ Unfolds - By Roger Kimball
  • Trump is an existential threat to their continued existence
"...I have been amused by the absolute certitude of the chattering class, which assures us with hands wringing that 
  1. Trump is a very bad man 
  2. That he cannot win the general election but that 
  3. The clever but insidious Dems will assure that he wins the nomination, thus assuring a Republican defeat come November 2024.
Maybe. But maybe the Dems keep indicting Trump because they are terrified that he could win, and then what?...
The real question was posed by Michael Anton in “They Can’t Let Him Back In,” a black-pilled essay he published in Compact last summer. “The people who really run the United States of America,” Anton wrote, “have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again.
Who are those people? 
Mostly Democrats, yes, but really, it’s a bipartisan, deep-state consensus, a uniparty assumption that Trump, being an existential threat to their continued existence must be kept from political power by any means necessary...
It is curious, as Anton also points out, that for all the fury directed at Trump the individual, the real target of deep state animus is not Trump himself but his supporters, his “base.” 
Trump was right when he said “they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just standing in the way.” 
Anton got to the nub of the issue when he observed that “Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump. The regime can’t allow Trump to be president not because of who he is (although that grates), but because of who his followers are.”...

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