Thursday, August 10, 2023

Modern Energy and Your Turbine Footprint - American Thinker

Modern Energy and Your Turbine Footprint - American Thinker - By John F. Di Leo
"...But now let’s think about where they put windmills. 
They aren’t all on farmland… but the majority are.
  • They usually can’t be on rock, because you have to be able to dig deep to sink those footings, to anchor a giant structure like this. 
  •  They can’t be in the middle of a forest, because you need a path to and from the windmill, for maintenance trucks and wiring. That’s a lot of tree coverage to clear, if it’s not already open. (see Olivia Murray’s fascinating report on Scotland’s efforts in this direction, here).

Scottish government axes 16 million trees to clear the way for ‘greener’ solutions

And they need to be reasonably close to a regular road.
So, for the most part, we’re talking about farmland...

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