Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Neurosis and the Curley Effect - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Neurosis and the Curley Effect - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds
"...To see just how deep this nation has plunged into a rancid broth of fear, take a look at this STAT-Harris poll taken after last fall’s election. 
  • It found that 75% of the public supported the idea of Joe Biden mandating mask-wearing, while two-thirds of Americans thought he “should ban gatherings involving more than 10 people.”
  • A March poll by the Morning Consult determined that “57% of voters said they would continue to fully adhere to precautions like mask-wearing and social distancing even if state requirements were lifted.” 
  • A poll taken earlier this week, with infections and deaths falling, and vaccinations rising, found that 42% still believe everyone in their “area should continue to wear masks outdoors regardless”...
I&I called this behavior neurotic, and I think that’s right. 
It’s irrational behavior, based on irrational feelings and obsessions rather than reality...
He continues: Surveys show that, after 50 years of feminism, American women are increasingly likely to report themselves as unhappy, a characteristic especially marked in unmarried young liberal women with no religious connection.
Likewise, Jonathan Haidt notes that the rapid decline in mental health among young (under 35) people took place first and fastest among young liberal women, and the charts he displays are dramatic...
Reading all of these pieces I’m seeing a story that goes something like this: Depressed, neurotic people (especially single women) are more likely to support Democrats. 
  •  Democrats support policies and messaging that produce more depressed, neurotic people, especially single women.
Now maybe this is an accident, but maybe it isn’t. Enter the “Curley Effect.”...

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