Thursday, August 17, 2023

Of Course the Climate Has Always Been Changing - American Thinker

Of Course the Climate Has Always Been Changing - American Thinker - By Brian C. Joondeph

"...For perspective, here is an Associated Press article was published by the Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922, a hundred years ago...

Kudos to Snopes for inadvertently throwing water on the entire radical environmental agenda with this one statement,

One of the key issues in the global warming debate is whether modern scientists have sufficient data and tools to determine that current warming trends are indicative of long-term climatic changes rather than relatively short-term weather pattern variability.

Bingo. Short term weather patterns and cycles, measured over 30 years have little if any bearing on long term climate trends. 

The Washington Post declared this past July as Earth’s “Earth’s hottest month on record.” Buried in the article was that said “record” was “40 years of global observations”...

Failed climate predictions are a staple of our state run scientific and media organizations. Their arrogance has destroyed their credibility, just as it did with the myriad COVID pronouncements which turned out to be false. Here is a list of “Failed eco-pocalyptic predictions.”...

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