Monday, August 21, 2023

Penzeys - About Republicans (WI business owner can't hide his hate of republicans. Gotta read it all!!)

Penzeys - (note his "About Republicans" link on the right of the company masthead)

"...The Republican departure from conservative values and embrace of what, from a distance, looks a whole lot like insanity didn’t happen by chance. 
All of it has been intelligently crafted with the goal of preserving the position of those who profit from the inhumanity that is at the very roots of pretty much every problem we are facing. 
From the environment, to racism/discrimination, to health, to saving our democracy at home and growing it abroad, half the time Republicans are intentionally blocking the solution to the problems we face.
The other half of the time they are the problem we face...
The truth of our time is we’ve arrived at the point where there’s no way to respect the nonsense the Republican Party is promoting and have any hope of overcoming the problems we as a nation and we as a planet face...
What does any of this mean? 
Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we’re done pretending the Republican Party’s embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are..
Thanks for reading. Thanks for being here,

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