Saturday, August 12, 2023

Read 'em all!-----Highlights of the week - Don Surber

Highlights of the week - Don Surber
ITEM 1: KTSP reported, “Minneapolis losing police officers faster than they can hire, chief calls it ‘unsustainable.’”
Oh no. At this rate, there will be no police left to defund.
ITEM 2: NBC reported, “Presidential candidate assassinated at campaign rally in Ecuador.”
Those crazy Ecuadorians. That would never happen here.
  • Except for 1972, when they attempted to assassinate candidate George Wallace.
  • And 1968 when they succeeded with candidate Bobby Kennedy.
  • And 1912 when they attempted to assassinate candidate TR.
  • And 1981 when they attempted to assassinate President Reagan.
  • And the four times they succeeded in killing a sitting president.
Thank goodness we are not Ecuador.

ITEM 3: Axios reported, “Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Friday that he is appointing U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss as special counsel to lead the investigation into Hunter Biden.”
Weiss is the guy who wants to give Hunter a plea bargain that keeps him from ever being charged with any crime....

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