Sunday, August 13, 2023

Scientists hide details of questionable taxpayer-funded pro-vaccine study (but I'm not going away) - SHARYL ATTKISSON

Scientists hide details of questionable taxpayer-funded pro-vaccine study (but I'm not going away) - SHARYL ATTKISSON
The following is a news analysis. Story Highlights 
  • The government funded a great deal of questionable science during Covid...
Below is my retraction request, which explains more.
August 10, 2023 Neurology Clinical Practice Editor-in-Chief Dr. Jose Merino
Dear Editors:
In May of this year, your journal published 2023 a study purportedly monitoring for serious neurological adverse events connected to Covid-19 vaccine...
  • What got my attention was the odd conclusion...
Sharyl Attkisson- 
Investigative Journalist

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