Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Stealing your money to pay off their failed scumbags!-----Charlie Kirk - Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become... | Facebook

Charlie Kirk - Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become... | Facebook
  • Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become a "distinguished professor" at Georgetown Medical School, making him the latest in a long line of failed and fired left-wingers who go onto teach at woke universities...
  • Lori Lightfoot, the disgraced one-term racist mayor of Chicago, will teach a course at Harvard's School of Public Health titled “Health Policy and Leadership"
  • Chesa Boudin, the recalled Soros-backed San Francisco DA, was recently named the founding executive director of UC Berkeley's new Criminal Law & Justice Center
  • Brian Stelter, the fired CNN talking head, joined the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School
  • Hillary Clinton, who never became president but destroyed Libya and enabled her predator husband for decades, got a teaching gig at Columbia University as global affairs professor
  • Peter Strzok, the disgraced and fired FBI special agent, also known as Lisa Page's lover who had an "insurance policy" to take down Trump, is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service
  • James Comey, who helped frame President Trump and makes a living virtue signaling on MSNBC, taught a course on “ethical leadership” at William and Mary
  • Sally Yates, who was fired for insubordination at the DOJ and for being a partisan hack, got a lecturer gig at Georgetown Law
  • Beto O'Rourke, who is really good at wasting donor money on failed political campaigns, got a job teaching Texas Politics for the Department of Political Science at Texas State in 2020, and now he's teaching college students about "democracy" at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics
  • Stacy Abrams, failed two-time candidate for Georgia governor and author of adult erotica, teaches about "race and politics" at HBCU Howard University
  • Andrew Gillum, the failed Florida gubernatorial candidate who was found inebriated and naked in a hotel room with another man who was overdosing on drugs, received a teaching fellowship at Harvard's Kennedy Center in 2019
  • Mayor Bill de Blasio, perhaps the worst mayor in New York City history, became a visiting fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School in 2022
And this is not a comprehensive list...
Universities have become a golden parachute for the most wretched and miserable "elites" our society produces.
College is a scam!

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