Sunday, August 06, 2023

Text Messages Reveal that China Wanted to Use Biden Family to Acquire U.S. Energy Assets

Text Messages Reveal that China Wanted to Use Biden Family to Acquire U.S. Energy Assets - By 

  • Text messages that have recently been given to the FBI show that a Chinese energy company sought to utilize its connections to Hunter Biden in order to purchase domestic energy assets within the United States.

According to Just The News, the text exchange in question took place between two of Hunter’s business partners, James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinski, on Christmas Eve of 2015.
This exchange was shortly after Hunter had first been told about the conglomerate, CFEC China Energy, led by wealthy businessman Ye Jianming.

“I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc,” said Gilliar in the text message...

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